SigilVideo is a global video community powered by music. Whether it’s dance, lip syncing, free-style or performance, creators are encouraged to share themselves without limitations on their imagination or freedom of expression. Sigil Video is not your ordinary destination for short form mobile video. Its raw, real, and without boundaries. It is a platform designed for adults allowing you to express yourself freely and without concern for censorship. Designed for the global creators, Sigil Video allows users to quickly and easily create unique short videos to share with friends and the world. Sigil Video is the new cultural benchmark for global creators. We strive to empower more creative minds to be part of the content revolution.
Be Sigil Famous and make your mark by creating short music videos using the short form video maker, video player, and editing features. Share your content with new friends and the world. Download SigilVideo now to make your mark creating videos using lip syncing, dance, comedy, or storytelling told in 15 to 60 seconds. Your only limits are your imagination. With SigilVideo lifes more fun when you live in the moment and go beyond to explore.
* No special equipment is needed to use sigil video. All features designed by SigilVideo, such as; music and audio video players and editors can be accessed using your smart phone and its built-in cellphone camera.
* Watch streaming video content selected specifically for you. A personalised audio and video player feed specifically for you based on what you watch, what you like, and what you share. Entertainment for hours watching sigil video artists. Sigil Video will quickly adapt to your taste to offer the most relevant, interesting, fun, quirky, and lip syncing videos that you’ll never want to stop watching.
* Get entertainment and inspiration to be sigil famous by a global social community of creators. People from all over the world are creators on Sigil video showcasing their incredible entertainment talents, sharing precious moments, and teaching their unique social knowledge. Let yourself be inspired.
* Video player and editor tools allow you to easily trim your sigils, cut video made on sigil, merge sigil videos and duplicate music and audio video clips to best showcase your art as a sigil video artist.
* Live video streaming filters are constantly being updated with fresh creative concepts, helping you reach an ever changing wide and personal social audience.
Popular types of media adults watch on live video stream and create on sigil video editors are; adult lip syncing style music and audio, dancing and movement, comedy related funny parody, cosplay and live action role-play, storytelling and social commentating Vlog Entertainment format, short video food and cooking vids, entertainment, glitch and transition performances, sports related content, do it yourself DIY instructional vid, pets and animals from around the world, and live video about everything in between. Discover videos and LIVE video streaming from endless categories for your entertainment.
Sigil video is more than an adult lip syncing app. At sigil video we see you not as a content creator, but as a sigil video entertainment video artist. It is our goal to provide a fun video streaming entertainment space for you to stream and develop your art the way you want through freedom of expression and creativity. Video streaming and video players & editors are readily available to help you make your mark in the world and achieve the success you deserve. Download sigil today and be sigil famous!
Sigil Video - Make Your Mark is brought to you by Sigil Social Network